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Digitalization of Hengjiu Group

Since the Group Company launched the Kingdee EAS system in 2011, after years of perseverance and unrelenting efforts, and conducted secondary development and implementation based on the actual operational situation, we achieved significant progress in our digitalization push.

  • Our procurement, sales and general ledger systems are integrated; this enables seamless real-time procurement, sales and finance functions, greatly elevates accuracy and authenticity in our supply chain logistic.

  • The successful implementation of costings module enables us to conduct cost calculations expeditiously; therefore, provide accurate costing information to make timely decisions, meet management needs of enterprises to submit internal and external financial reports promptly.

  • Manufacturing scheduling and material planning based on production orders run smoothly in the system, laying a solid foundation for optimizing utilization of the manufacturing shop floor.

  • The in-house developed production traceability system and storage location management system have been successfully implemented, achieving traceability of the production process and strengthening material flow management; perfectly integrated with the ERP system. In particular, the common basic data are available and can be applied plant-wide; greatly reduces the operator workload.

  • The enterprise-wide push on adopting ERP-based OA system greatly improved office efficiency, and laid foundation for the follow-up budget management system.